Only when we are certain about the waste we’re dealing with can we manage it properly. Before we accept any hazardous waste, we ask customers to provide a profile of the material along with a physical sample. We then make sure the sample is analyzed thoroughly for conformity with the profile. Only when the results are proven to correspond with both the profile and the regulatory requirements will we schedule the waste for shipment. On arrival at our facility, we will then pull a sample of the shipment for additional tests. After acceptance, the waste is placed in the appropriate processing or storage area.
Our facility is designed specifically to the very highest safety and environmental standards. It includes a spill-containment network to prevent stormwater incursions. Slag and ash are removed from the process, tested for compliance with land-disposal regulations, and transported to an authorized hazardous waste landfill for final disposal. Incinerator flue gas is rigorously cleaned and scrubbed so that air emissions are well within the strict parameters of the Clean Air Act.