About Us


Our highest held value is

“Safe and Compliant, Always.”

At Arcwood, our first commitment is to the safety of every employee, customer, supplier, contractor, and visitor.

We Empower Our Employees

To put it simply, we will not do any job or task that cannot be done safely and compliantly.

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Every Arcwood employee has the right to stop any job or task that appears unsafe.

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Our goal is to send everyone home safe every day.

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We take pride in our health and safety record, which is among the best in the industry, while still continually striving to improve.

Healthy and Safety Process

The objective of our Health and Safety Process is to proactively control the chemical, physical, and environmental hazards through proper planning, hazard recognition, evaluation, control, and communication so that we have no incidents, spills, or other incidents.

To make that happen, we set our standards high and require strict adherence by our personnel, subcontractors, and visitors at Arcwood facilities and project sites.

Arcwood’s Health and Safety Process is led by the Corporate Director of Health and Safety, who reports directly to executive leadership.

Our process is implemented on a corporate-wide basis, with health and safety plans prepared for every Arcwood project. Inspections and audits are performed to determine compliance with each site-specific plan. The major elements of our program are:

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Employee Medical Monitoring

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Employee Health & Safety Training

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Site Health & Safety Plan Development

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Site Inspections & Audits

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Near-Miss & Safety Observation Follow-Up & Corrective Action

Recognizing Safe Drivers

Driver Safety Recognition Program

This program empowers our employees out on the road to always prioritize safe driving practices. We provide quarterly recognition to those who achieve a superior record of safety.



Our Safety Principles

While management leads Arcwood’s safety initiatives, each employee is responsible for following safety rules and regulations, stopping unsafe activities, and supporting an enhanced safety culture.

To achieve the company’s ultimate safety goal of zero incidents, each employee must pledge to hold themselves to the highest safety standards in accordance with our “6Safety” principles.

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